So how many of you were waiting eagerly for this book.
I know I have!!!!
This book made me cry, swoon, scream, and dance with happiness all at the same time. Seeing how amazing Jenifer L Armentrout my expectations were higher than the Trix bunny on crack. This book went above and beyond anything I ever thought was possible.
Lets talk about Aiden, oh I need my own Aiden. He is well, nothing short of amazing, I need my own Aiden!!!
Okay, now lets talk about Seth, I know many of you were probably Team Seth in pure -I was team Aiden from the begging- but after reading Deity and Elixir I know your also team Aiden, and if your not well then Im sending the book monster after you.
Alex, lets leave it at shes just plain out bad ass!
When I finished this book this was me:



My dad asks "Are you okay"

I think you get what Im getting at.
I would give my first born child for the next book Sentinel.
I would give my first born child for the next book Sentinel.